
Focused on precision medicine biotech investments from early stage to late stage growth

The collective mission of the SV biotech funds is to turn scientific breakthroughs into successful biotech companies developing high impact precision medicine drugs for poorly treated diseases.

Precision medicine aims to deliver major, durable impact on drug safety and efficacy by providing patients with therapeutics targeted at specific disease-driving mechanisms with the ultimate intent to cure.

The funds make investments across the full biotech investment spectrum and exploit SV’s extensive in-house experience of company creation.

Via a strategic partnership, SV and Cancer Research UK, the world’s largest independent funder of cancer research, have strengthened their previous collaboration to accelerate the development of cancer medicines. SV’s priority access to Cancer Research UK’s world-leading research provides the opportunity to rapidly develop and scale innovative research into new drugs.

SV strongly adheres to the view that diversity, including under-represented groups, strongly adds to success. If you are an entrepreneur seeking investment and a partner who can help you to build your business, please get in contact with our team.

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Active Biotech Portfolio

Core SV Biotech Fund News

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We invest in talented innovators. We strongly adhere to the view that diversity, including under-represented groups, strongly adds to success. If you are an entrepreneur seeking investment and a partner who can help you to build your business, we would love to hear from you. Please get in contact with our team.